event burgee venue burgee

Slow Handicap Spring Lake Series 2023

West Kirby Sailing Club

Results are provisional as of 10:33 on May 30, 2023


Sailed: 8, Discards: 3, To count: 5, Rating system: PY, Entries: 2, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY R1
R5 No Competitors
R6 No Competitors
1st Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 (1) (1) 1 1     1 1 1 (2 OCS) 5
2nd Kirsan Illusion 77 Peter Williams 1440 (3 DNC) (3 DNC) 2 2     (3 DNC) 3 DNC 3 DNC 3 DNC 13

R1 - 02/04/2023 at 11.50

Race Officer - Michele Noronha
Results - Adam Whittle

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place, Course: 3(P), 5(P), 6(P), 4(P), Wind dir: E, Ave wind: F1
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Place Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 1 1

R2 - 02/04/2023 at 12.25

Race Officer - Michele Noronha & Andy Bell
Results - Adam Whittle

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place, Course: 3(P), 4(P), Wind dir: E, Ave wind: F1
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Place Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 1 1

R3 - 16/04/2023 at 11.03

Race Officer - A & L Bell
Results - T Marston

Start: R1, Finishes: Elapsed time, Wind dir: SSE, Ave wind: F2-3
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 33.24 0.23.12 0.00.00 1440 1
2 Kirsan Illusion 77 Peter Williams 1440 33.43 0.23.25 0.00.19 1453.653 2

R4 - 16/04/2023 at 12.03

Race Officer - MA & L Bell
Results - T Marston

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Elapsed time, Wind dir: SSE, Ave wind: F2-3
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 36.00 0.25.00 0.00.00 1440 1
2 Kirsan Illusion 77 Peter Williams 1440 36.56 0.25.39 0.00.56 1477.333 2

R5 No Competitors - 30/04/2023 at 11.03

Race Officer - Paul Brereton/Ian Johnson
Results - Kay Eggleton

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Place Points

R6 No Competitors - 30/04/2023

Race Officer - Paul Brereton/Ian Johnson
Results - Kay Eggleton

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Place Points

R7 - 01/05/2023

Race Officer - Paul Brereton/Ian Johnson
Results - T Marston

Start: R7, Finishes: Elapsed time, Course: 13, Ave wind: F3
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 21.58 0.15.15 0.00.00 1440 1

R8 - 01/05/2023

Race Officer - Paul Brereton/Ian Johnson
Results - T Marston

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Elapsed time, Course: 12, Wind dir: NW, Ave wind: F4
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 22.50 0.15.51 0.00.00 1440 1

R9 - 28/05/2023 at 11.03

Race Officer - Simon Johnson
Results - Kay Eggleton

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Elapsed time, Course: 12, Wind dir: NNW, Ave wind: F1-3
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Elapsed Corrected BCE BCR Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 30.06 0.20.54 0.00.00 1440 1

R10 - 28/05/2023 at 11.40

Race Officer - Simon Johnson
Results - Kay Eggleton

Start: Start 2, Finishes: Elapsed time, Course: 13, Wind dir: NNW, Ave wind: F1-3
Rank BoatName Class SailNo Helm / Crew PY Place Points
1 Intrepid Illusion 141 Keith Roberts 1440 OCS 2



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